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Olive Oil: Why It’s Good for Your Health and How to Use It for Cosmetic Purposes.

L’olio di oliva fa bene dentro ma fa bene anche fuori, per la cura della pelle e della bellezza

Potremmo definire questo nuovo capitolo di storia dell’alimentazione “La rivincita dei grassi!”.

Per molti anni i grassi sono stati demonizzati ma dalle ultime ricerche in ambito scientifico, i grassi sono stati rivalutati e riconosciuti come particolarmente benefici per salute. L’olio di oliva è tra i più degni rappresentanti.

Do We Know Olive Oil Well?

Let’s talk about vegetable fatty acids, which are often essential for many organic processes in the human body. Olive oil is a worthy representative of these, as it contains a high percentage of vegetable fats.

It is certainly the most commonly used condiment in cooking and also one of the most natural because it is obtained by cold pressing olives, without the addition of solvents or chemicals (we are referring to extra virgin olive oil, with guaranteed quality).

Vegetable fats are important for the heart, blood flow, liver metabolism, better digestion and absorption of food, and intestinal health.

Why Is It Good for Your Health?

Olive oil is a monounsaturated fat rich in polyphenols, which offers several benefits to the body, especially when consumed raw:

  • Slows down the aging process of cells
  • Prevents stroke in predisposed individuals
  • Benefits the heart and the entire cardiovascular system
  • Reduces the deposit of LDL cholesterol in the arteries, preventing plaque formation
  • Reduces inflammation in the body and tissues, thanks to polyphenols
  • Acts on cortisol levels that cause stress
  • Decreases the risk of developing diabetes
  • Promotes learning and memory by protecting brain tissue from toxic substances
  • Enhances the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins during meals, lubricating the digestive channels

Olive Oil and Beauty: When to Use It?

Olive oil has been used since ancient times for body and hair care. Thanks to its emollient and anti-inflammatory properties, it can be used in various ways:

Natural Makeup Remover

Ideal for removing waterproof mascara without irritating the eyes, it helps cleanse the skin of impurities and makeup.

Emollient Lip Scrub

Mix olive oil, Himalayan pink salt, and a drop of honey, and apply the mixture to your lips, massaging gently. The result will be softer lips, free from dead skin residue.

Dandruff Remedy

Dandruff forms due to excessive dryness of the scalp. Apply olive oil and massage gently, then let it rest for at least an hour, covering your head with a shower cap. Afterward, rinse thoroughly with warm water and natural neutral shampoo.


Acne is a skin inflammation that can be alleviated or eradicated using anti-inflammatory products. Olive oil is ideal for this, even though it may initially seem to make the skin oilier. In reality, its antibacterial effect acts as an anti-inflammatory for the skin.

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