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Bomarzo Estate

The Heart of Olive Oil Tradition

Welcome to our estate in Bomarzo, an oasis of tradition and innovation in the heart of Tuscia, where we cultivate olives and manage the land sustainably to produce premium organic DOP extra virgin olive oil.

Our estate covers 3.5 hectares of olive groves, divided into two distinct areas. The first grove hosts 545 trees over 1.7 hectares, all of the Frantoio variety, planted in 2019. This monocultivar is renowned for its fruity and harmonious olives, resulting in an oil with DOP TUSCIA certification, a symbol of excellence and authenticity.

The second grove spans 1.8 hectares and includes 580 trees of three different cultivars: Leccio del Corno, Canino, and Maurino. Each variety contributes its unique characteristics, enriching the aromatic and taste profile of our oil. These well-tended plants produce olives that create an oil with complex and enveloping nuances.

In addition to the olive groves, our estate features an extensive 8-hectare forest with oaks and chestnuts. This forest not only preserves local biodiversity but is also dedicated to truffle cultivation, a delicacy from our land that grows in a natural and protected environment.

A key aspect of our operation is the composting area, a 3-hectare zone where we prepare the ideal soil for each cultivar, optimizing olive production. Here, using traditional and environmentally respectful techniques, we work the soil to ensure that each plant grows under optimal conditions, producing superior quality fruit.

Our commitment at the Bomarzo estate is focused on producing exceptional DOP extra virgin olive oil while maintaining a strong connection to traditions and environmental respect. Every drop of our oil tells the story of a passion passed down through generations, bringing the true flavor of Tuscia to your table. Discover more about our estate and products, and be captivated by the quality and authenticity of our oil.