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EVO Oil and Diet: Myths to Debunk

Extra virgin olive oil is essentially made up of fats, which is true, but it should be specified that not all fats are harmful to our health; on the contrary, many are essential for our bodies. Olive oil is primarily composed of these beneficial fats, making it one of the best sources of fats for our diet, even when we are on a weight-loss regimen. Therefore, let’s clarify right away that olive oil does not make you gain weight. Here’s why.

Extra virgin olive oil: the fat that is good for you

This characteristic is due to its composition: indeed, of the 99% lipids that make it up, 75% consists of oleic acid, linoleic acid, and palmitic acid, which are monounsaturated fats making extra virgin olive oil a significant ally for our cardiovascular system. Additionally, importantly, these fats do not contribute to weight gain.

Extra virgin olive oil helps control bad cholesterol (LDL) while increasing levels of good cholesterol (HDL), which works to clean the arteries of fat deposits, thereby facilitating proper blood circulation. The fatty acids in extra virgin olive oil have a preventive effect against cardiovascular diseases, protecting the heart from heart attacks and other conditions.

Moreover, extra virgin olive oil is not only good for the cardiovascular system but also a true ally for our diet, thanks to the wealth of vitamins it contains. These essential elements should always be part of a balanced and healthy diet.

Let’s examine the specific properties of extra virgin olive oil that aid in maintaining an ideal weight:

Extra virgin olive oil: a diet ally

Extra virgin olive oil is essential in a balanced diet as it supports proper bodily function and overall health.

It should be noted that, being 99% lipids, extra virgin olive oil is indeed caloric, with approximately 900 calories per 100 grams. However, this does not mean it should be eliminated from your diet if you are aiming to lose weight. This good fat helps in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) and calcium that we get from fruits and vegetables.

Additionally, the fats in extra virgin olive oil contribute to:

  • Promoting a sense of fullness
  • Protecting the stomach from inflammation
  • Aiding digestion
  • Preventing abdominal bloating

These four functions are important for achieving overall well-being and following a low-calorie diet correctly.

Despite its benefits, it’s important not to overdo it with extra virgin olive oil. To enjoy its valuable benefits and flavor your dishes, 3-4 teaspoons a day are sufficient, preferably used raw.

Why choose extra virgin olive oil over other vegetable oils

Now that we’ve revealed the health benefits of extra virgin olive oil, there’s no doubt it’s the best condiment for integrating into your diet, even if you’re on a low-calorie regimen. However, many people still believe that seed oils are less fatty or equivalent to olive oil.

While it’s true that vegetable oils have the same amount of fats and calories as olive oil, there are additional reasons to choose extra virgin olive oil:

A good extra virgin olive oil has a more intense flavor compared to any seed oil. This means you use less of it raw, as it imparts more flavor in smaller quantities. For instance, all the extra virgin oils we produce at Frantoio Sommariva, such as Maina, have a distinctive rich yet sweet taste, obtained through cold pressing of the best taggiasca olives.

Regarding cooking, olive oil has a higher smoke point—the temperature at which a fat begins to release toxic volatile substances—compared to other oils, making it ideal for frying. This is due to its lower content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, making it more stable during cooking.

Extra virgin olive oil does not make you gain weight

So, we have cleared up any doubts: extra virgin olive oil does not cause weight gain; on the contrary, it is a valuable ally even when following a low-calorie diet aimed at losing weight. If you’re on a diet to lose weight, using extra virgin olive oil to dress your dishes both cooked and raw is correct and healthy.

It should be used in moderation, but eliminating it from your diet out of fear of gaining weight would be a significant mistake. Extra virgin olive oil is also a health ally, helping to maintain a well-functioning cardiovascular system.

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