The territory of filii


Production Area

Our production area spans hilly terrain characterized by extraordinary morphological diversity, which allows us to produce a unique extra virgin olive oil. Our olive groves are situated on various slopes, each offering different exposures and microclimates, ensuring optimal ripening of the olives.

The soil, rich in minerals due to the exposure of deep layers caused by the fragmentation of the rocky mantle, imparts a distinctive aromatic and flavor profile to the olives. At an altitude of approximately 200 meters, our 5,500 olive trees, cultivated over 17 hectares, benefit from these ideal conditions to produce a superior quality organic oil that best expresses the richness of the land.

Uncover the enchantment of our estate in Canino, an exclusive corner where organic olive cultivation reaches excellence. Nestled in the heart of Tuscia, our estate spans 4.5 hectares and is a place where a passion for agriculture blends with the quality of the local terroir. Our olive groves feature the prized Canino and Maurino varieties, each selected for their unique characteristics that contribute to an extra virgin olive oil with an extraordinary aromatic profile.

Our organic oil is the result of a meticulous respect for nature and traditions, combined with innovative cultivation techniques. The mineral richness of our soil enhances the flavor of the oil, distinguished by its complexity and character. Let yourself be enveloped by the superior quality and centuries-old tradition that each drop of our organic oil represents. Discover the true treasure of Tuscia and bring home an authentic piece of this enchanting land.

la tuscia

Nestled in the timeless beauty of Tuscia, the Bomarzo estate spans fertile, tradition-rich land where every corner tells a story of passion and dedication. On this well-tended land, enriched by carefully selected olive varieties, the landscape shifts and transforms with the seasons, offering a captivating view that accompanies the growth of our trees.

Our estate is renowned for producing superior quality DOP extra virgin olive oil, the result of a steadfast commitment to organic farming and environmental sustainability. Each drop of our oil reflects a long-standing tradition, merging ancient methods with modern practices to ensure an authentic and pure product. Discover the excellence of Bomarzo’s oil, where every bottle encapsulates the story of a centuries-old tradition, a commitment to environmental care, and a daily passion for quality.

Canino Estate

Canino Estate

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Manciano Estate

Manciano Estate

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What sets us apart